Dear visitor,
Welcome to Pics from the Wild. This site will take you on a photographic journey into the wild, told by both Sietske and myself, each in our own way.
Sietske’s focus will mainly be on sharing stories (with some, yet not all of them, in Dutch), spiced up with nice pictures.

My focus will be to take you on a photographic journey: literally, by sharing pics, information and experiences, yet also indirectly. I have been planning to do something with my wildlife pictures for long, it was one of these ideas roaming my mind without putting them into practice. Partly because of not knowing where to start and partly because the right trigger had been missing. This trigger was pulled, as with so many things, by a concurrence of circumstances. Added to my interest in wildlife photography, my passion for nature, my drive to conserve nature’s beauty and to share it with others, now came my new posting in Kenya (opening up great photographic opportunities) and the right inspiration (more on that in my next post). This is what part of the blog will be about. My first steps into the digital processing world (turning out not to be rocket science after all), how to set up a site (without having to get involved with complicated software), upgrading my gear (what is the right gear for my needs), reading up on techniques, links and information that worked for me, … I do say part of the blog, since most importantly Sietske and myself want to tell a story about the beauty of nature, hoping it will inspire others.
This being said, I hope you will join us on this journey, a journey that starts right here, time will tell where it will lead us: interesting contacts, lessons learned, frustrations, participation in contests, maybe even a publication or a life changing experience. Most of all we are looking forward to great times out in the wild!
All the best,