Dear all,
After spending Easter on Lamu Island, another quicky to share some more good news, with one of my shots appearing on the National Geographic site, in the company of, amongst others, some Art Wolfe shots, check it out here. Definitely not something I would have thought one year ago. And don’t get me wrong here, this is not the reason for going out there and getting the shots (some nice thoughts by Gerry van der Walt on this subject, can be found here), yet it are nice little pushes that keep you going in the right direction, to get out there and get the shots, to keep on sharing your work, … since also in photography, these things don’t just happen. Nothing comes for free and one needs to interact and share to get his/her work out there.
That being said, I want to leave you with a buffalo shot. The buffalo is a species which I find difficult to photograph. I guess we all have our species, the ones which we can relate to and the ones we don’t seem to get right. Do you? This is a buffalo shot I am happy with and the ingredients to get it were a prime lens combined with a close encounter, forcing me to frame differently.

Have a great week,