0 thoughts on “Images tagged "sepia"

  1. The two images of the gorillas are stunning!

    We are heading up to Uganda next year to photograph these amazing animals! 🙂

    Thanks for sharing and the website is coming along very nicely!

    1. Hi Gerry, thanks a lot for your nice comments and congrats for officially being the first commentator!
      And nice you’ll be able to check one more of your photographic dreams 😉
      B.t.w., keep me posted on the Bwindi plans, I’ve seen them there as well in the non digital era and wouldn’t mind going back

  2. Ferm Guyke. Effenaf. Ik heb hier ook al wat wildlife getrokken maar daar ga ik niet zoveel indruk mee maken. Curieus naar wat er nog allemaal gaat volgen.

  3. Ey Bart, mercikes, ik ga proberen elke week ne post te doe en beetje bij beetje foto’s opladen, telkens als er ne post komt zal ik da via facebook laten weten, en als ge dan zin hebt gade maar een kijkje nemen, en anders ni 😉 nogmaals merci voor de complimentjes, dat doet plezier!

  4. Ik vind het niet bepaald een schoonheid Guy maar wel erg indrukwekkend en de kwaliteit van je iPhone is inderdaad beter dan verwacht. Blij de tijd te hebben om te genieten van je foto’s.

    1. Hoi Kathleen, dikke merci, doet veel plezier en ik hoop nog meer mooie plaatjes en verhalen te plaatsen. En ik hoor dan graag wat je ervan denkt. Ook als je vindt dat er dingen anders zouden moeten, of als er dingen niet duidelijk zijn kan je altijd een mailtje droppen op guy@picsfromthewild.com of via de contact pagina, Guy

  5. Dear all, no need to mention that with the camera in hand, our spider had left the building. Lessons learned, be prepared and you can’t always have it your way 😉

  6. I really like what you say here Gerry. My own journey is just beginning and by connecting and sharing with other photographers, it is an amazing way to learn, improve and grow. Thanks for the postings and keep em coming!

  7. Excellent post, lots of insights in a small space. It is definitely a journey…with an ever-changing destination…and that’s what makes it exciting.

  8. Dear Mike and Jacqueline, thanks a lot for the interaction here and Gerry, big big thank you (a more official one to come in my next blog post) ,Guy

  9. Thanks for the mention Guy! Always appreciated.

    You’re doing a great job with the site! I

  10. Hi Guy,
    Prachtige foto’s hebben jullie gemaakt, ik hoop dat
    er nog veel meer bijkomen.

  11. Is your contact from 500px who requested the RSS feed speaking. It’s working fine as I’m writing you from my iPhone’s feed reader. And your blog is quite interesting. Keep up the good work! Ciao Fabrizio

    1. Dear Fabrizio, thanks for keeping me posted on the RSS feed, really appreciated and a nice improvement on the site! Thanks for your nice comment about the site as well! More to follow soon! Looking forward to your continued support and feedback. Warm regards, Guy

    1. Dear Mike, just took a look at your sites as well, great stuff! I will drop you a mail via your site, would be great to catch up! Have a good evening, Guy

    1. Hey Mike, thanks for your feedback. Within the next few years, I do expect people will get tired of HDR and the likes. And don’t get me wrong here, I do have quite a high tolerance for HDR images, I just feel they don’t really match with representing nature, hence the fact I expect a move back to basics, … time will tell. Have a good day, Guy

    1. Hi Mike, thanks ey, all the credit for this one goes to my wife Sietske, she has a hang of shooting straight into the sun and getting away with great images whereas for me that usually turns out in one big flare fest 😉 another topic to talk about over lunch, keep me posted when you’re in NBO (and apologies for not having made it last time). Warm regards, Guy

  12. Actually, BL terms of use (quite similar to what I’ve been using for a decade) illustrate perfectly that the “Creative Commons” license is not necessary to share one’s photography openly. Nothing worth “stopping the presses” for, anyways 🙂 Philip Greenspun (photo.net) has used such terms since the very early days of the internet.

    1. Dear Quang-Tuan, thanks a lot for your contribution! Great to hear that a lot more people have been applying this way of sharing their work (already for a very long time). Being fairly new in sharing my work on the web, issues related to sharing and terms of use are some of the many questions that jump through your mind, … Have a great day, Guy

  13. Hello Guy,
    Good web site and sure amazing shots here
    keep it up and good luck 🙂

    1. Hi, thanks Christa, much appreciated. This picture also got a mention on the National Geographic site which I am very happy about! More to follow. Have a great sunday evening, Guy

  14. Interesting thoughts Guy.

    Pinterest, at this stage, seems like a lazy way of sharing. You simply repin and that’s it. That makes it easy to share but as you mention, this might get messy if people do not take the time to add their own thoughts and links. The nice thing is though – as far as I can see – is that the image will always retain the original link from where it was originally pinned meaning that it is very easy for your links to be shared, in a visual manner.

    I am still testing the waters, so to speak, but so far I like the idea that people can share my images, end therefore my links, through the simple click of a button.

    But, as they say, the jury is still out and will wait to see how this one turns out! 🙂

    1. Hi Gerry, thanks a lot for your thoughts on this one. As you may see, I have not yet closed my account, yet I’ve put it on the backburner for the time being. Just like you, I have the feeling it can become something great, yet that it has to be further developed, and I guess we all have a role to play there in providing an example from a photographer’s point of view. That being said, I may pick it up again in the near future and meanwhile, if you feel like it, feel free to pin some of my work as well 😉 have a great day and thanks again for your feedback, Guy

  15. Gotta read your blog more often … congrats with the image on the NATGEO side.

    1. Dear Gert, thanks a lot for your nice feedback, happy you like it, I’m flattered! You can follow updates via FaceBook and Twitter as well (the links are on the rop right corner of the site), and I recently put up a mail subscription option (just new, havn’t received feedback yet, so I hope it works properly). Looking forward to more of your feedback, as per how I can keep this interesting or make it more interesting, you live, … Have a great We, Guy

    2. Hi Gert, after some trials, I found out the mail subscription on the site is not working. Until I get another one up, I hope you find another way to follow my posts. Have a great day, Guy

  16. Great blog Guy. One wonders sometimes why images dont catch the attention of the judges eyes. Feb and April have been months when I am surprised at some of the images in the top 10 as browsing through personally I may have looked at other images. That being said, I was personally on the receiving end of one of your picks for the top 10 and it seriously surprised me and helped boost me a little. Just goes to show how differently each person looks at an image.
    Now the challenge is to get some constructive crit on my images to help me be more “top 10” material in the future 🙂

    1. Hi Marcelle, Gerry is planning to do a blog post on the judging process this week. And it will always remain a bit of a guess, since it is close to impossible to predict what will capture a judges’ eye, … And ey, don’t be suprised, you’ve been putting some great shots out there and you have my full support (happy my top 10 pick provided some boost too ;-)). And to put it in the words Isak Pretorius used in a reaction on my post on the FB page: ‘Competitions are very subjective and should never be your personal benchmark. Do photography for yourself, if you like it then you have won!’

  17. Guy, I really like what you have to say here. Its so absolutely friggin true man!

      1. Pleasure. Its nice to see more photographers networking with each other. And I also truly do believe that sharing your photography is more rewarding than being chosen for comps etc etc. Through our page we try to keep people interested and build a passion in them for nature. To me that’s the bigger picture and trumps any competition or “professional” sharing medium. Its not always about how technically wonderful a shot is…sometimes its just about whats IN the shot and how much people out there who don’t have access to these things enjoy seeing these things on our page. When we started our little “online diary” nearly two years back, we just wanted an outlet for our passion. Its become our way of life and everywhere we go we look at what to share with others. It works and people appreciate the effort. In those terms FB is fantastic. When it gets to mediums like say 500px (which I dont post on yet..I will one day when I feel I can compare to some of those photographers), ODP or WildEye among a good few others, I get confused as to why they are there. Is it just so people can brag to one another? Because they definitely on the whole dont try to help one another! These sites are promoted on the idea of comment and crit to help people improve and I dont see that happening I must be honest. So I stick to sites/mediums where I do get that kind of help. Its even different from category to category. For eg..on most sites Macro categories are so helpful. The photographers are always willing to lend a hand or pass on a helpful hint. But on that very same site…post something on the landscape category??? You will grow old and be covered in cobwebs before someone decides to pass a crit on your image. Strange way it all works. Its no wonder the “helpful” kind gravitate towards each other.

        Love your work, your blogs and your balls to sometimes speak the truth where its needed!! Good for you! One day, your sleepy little ape will hang on my wall. Its still to date in my top 10 fav of all year so far! (just had to say that again)

        1. Dear Marcelle, thanks again for your feedback, I can’t agree more, we’re creating an eye on this world! And heyheyhey, in my opinion there’s quite a bunch of photographers on 500px whom could learn a thing or 2 from you 😉 For me 500px works quite well, it is actually the main source through which people land on my FB page and that makes it worth the investment for me. Always happy putting the fish on the table and glad to see you appreciate that! Once again also a big thanks for your nice words of encouragement, they do make a difference and they do mean a lot to me. As for the sleepy young Yoda, feel free to drop me a line, I’m sure we can work something out to make him end up on your wall (I’d be flattered) 😉

    1. Hi Marcelle, this is one of the most amazing, if not the most amazing, things I have ever witnessed. It made me very humble, as with all great nature displays. If you ever get a chance to see this one, or 1 of the 4 other places in the world where you can witness this, I would not hesitate for a second. I actually proposed Sietske to marry me there and then 😉 Have a great second half of the WE, Guy

  18. I think your concluding statement is right on; the only way to know is to enter. And so I shall. Have to get four more images chosen and submitted this weekend.

  19. Hi Guy…me again!!! Really great post again. We can absolutely relate to trying to get a return on our time investment and how important exposure is these days. We have always tried to stick to our guns regarding sharing and communicating experiences with our “fans” After a while we also began to see the value of interacting with various mediums or photographers and that actually earns you more reputable followers as they end up getting to you via some kick ass photographer or site. A great big photography circle of life. I think these days, its especially important for the amateurs and younger generations to start sticking together and helping one another so that photography as a whole can climb out of its rather stuck up snobby reputation 🙂 Just saying! 🙂 As soon as our alterations are finished I can set up a dedicated work space so that i can get more organised with regards to exposure on different sites. Im itching to get going! PS…like the image allot!

    1. Hi Marcelle, thanks for your continued support! Glad you like the shot and my rants and thoughts here and thanks for thinking along. Fully agree on your thoughts regarding the younger generation. I can by the way highly recomment to share a shot with Earth Shots from time to time. Getting my cheetah hunt shot selected there, really created a chain reaction, with the press agencies getting in touch, … Have a good one, Guy

  20. you shoulda let your son download the app 😀
    and it’s a good photograph, anyway. It has a different meaning, but it’s more fascinating without the crop.

    1. Thanks for your feedback Jacob, I must admit I also like the full image! A prime example though of how your framing influences the story you tell! Have a good day, Guy

  21. You can really feel the heat!!
    Great image!!

    from Mario Pignotti (500px.com)

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  30. Excellent points Guy and very well made, and what a beautiful capture! If only that tail ……… just kidding my friend ;^)

  31. Ashley, I want to be the first one here in thanking you for this great contribution to Pics from The Wild. May this be the first shot in a long series receiving some of the recognition they deserve!

  32. Hi Guy,

    Just returned from two weeks in the UK yesterday, so only getting to see this now my friend! Thank you for sharing this write-up and my pictures again. Chat with you soon, all the very best for now :^)